Li-Ion BMS

Home resources tips ps23003au

PS23003AU dual power supply

Schematic and repair instructions

Power supply front panel
PS23003AU dual power supply
Schematic diagram
PS23003AU dual power supply schematic diagram (one half)

Symptom: current limit stops at 1.5 A (current limit knob has no effect until it's turned half way)

Cause:IC N2 (LM741) is damaged.


  1. Open the case
  2. Discharge the big capacitor by placing a low value, power resistor between the anode of diode U8 and the cathode of diode U6
  3. Replace the IC (this is the lower of the 2 8-pin ICs)
  4. Modification that may prevent it from happening again: add a 100 nF capacitor across pins 3 and 4 of that IC
  5. Modification that will discharge the big capacitor when the power is off: add a 10 kΩ resistor across the the anode of diode U8 and the cathode of diode U6

© 2008~2025 Davide Andrea. All rights reserved, except where noted by CC mark. Page published on Aug 12 2013. Graphic design by morninglori