Li-Ion BMS

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Large Battery Pack standards

CAN Bus messages for large packs such as traction batteries in BEVs, HEVs and PHEVs

This set of standard CAN messages is used in applications that use large battery packs, such as electric vehicles, hybrid cars and plug-in hybrids.

back to topCAN Bus messages

Rev: 10/26/07

The Traction battery system adds to the vehicle's CAN bus the following messages.

  • CAN communication standard: same as the vehicle (e.g.: 500 KHz)
  • Standard addressing (CAN 2.0 A) (not extended)
  • Period: 1 s
  • Multi-byte values are big-endian.
ID Bytes Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 ____ Byte 7 ____
620h8Company name (1)
621h8Product name / rev level (1)
622h6State (2)Timer (3)Flags (4)DTC (5)DTC (5)-
623h6Voltage (6)Min Vtg (7)Min Vtg # (8)Max vtg (7)Max Vtg # (8)-
624h6Current (9)Charge limit (10)Discharge limit (10)-
625h8Batt. energy in (11)Batt. energy out (11)
626h6SOC (12)DOD (13)Capacity (14)SOC2 (15)SOH (16)-
627h6Temperature (17)Air temper. (17)Min tmp (18)Min tmp # (8)Max tmp (18)Max tmp # (8)-
628h6Resistance (19)Min res (20)Min res# (8)Max res (20)Max res# (8)-
629h8AC line voltage (21)AC line current (22)Max charge curr. (23)Max discharge curr. (23)AC line power (24)
62Ah 8 AC energy in (25) AC energy out (25)
  1. 8 ASCII characters (e.g.:"Elithion", "HyMotion", "V2Green", "Inverter")
  2. State of Traction battery system
    __0. Unplugged, Vehicle off
    1. Unplugged, Vehicle off, charging off grid
    2. Unplugged, Vehicle on, relays off
    3. Unplugged, Vehicle on, Charge Sustain
    4. Unplugged, Vehicle on, Charge Deplete
    5. Unplugged, reserved
    6. Unplugged, reserved
    7. Unplugged, reserved
    8. Plugged, idle
    9. Plugged, getting ready to charge
    10. Plugged, charging from the grid
    11. Plugged, getting ready to discharge
    12. Plugged, discharging to the grid (V2G)
    13. Plugged, discharging to the home (V2H)
    14. Plugged, reserved
    15. Plugged and vehicle on (driving disabled)
  3. Count-down timer: how long from now a State change is expected [s]; or, count-up timer: time in the present State. 18 hours max
  4. Byte of flags, defined by manufacturer
  5. Error codes
  6. Total voltage of pack [V], unsigned, 0 to 65 kV
  7. Voltages [100 mV] of least charged and most charged cells or blocks of cells, 0 to 25.5 V
  8. ID of the cell (or block of cells) that has the lowest / highest voltage / temperature / resistance. 0 or 1 to 254
  9. Pack current [A], signed, positive out of pack, -32kA to + 32kA
  10. Maximum current acceptable (charge) or available (discharge), unsigned, 0 to + 32kA
  11. Total energy in or out of battery, since manufacture. Unsigned, overflows back to 0 [WH]
  12. State Of Charge [%], unsigned, 0 to 100. When deeply discharged, its value does not go below 0
  13. Depth Of Discharge [AH], unsigned, 0 to 65 kAH. When deeply discharged, its value may exceed the actual capacity's value
  14. Actual capacity of pack [AH], unsigned, 0 to 65 kAH
  15. State Of Charge of 2nd pack (such as the vehicle's original pack) [%], unsigned, 0 to 100. When deeply discharged, its value does not go below 0
  16. State Of Health [%], unsigned, 0 to 100. 100 % = all OK. Actual operation defined by the manufacturer.
  17. Average pack temperature, and Air intake temperature [°C], signed, -127 °C to +127 °C
  18. Temperatures [°C] of coldest and hottest sensors, signed, -127 °C to +127 °C
  19. Resistance of pack [mohm], unsigned, 0 to 65 ohm
  20. Resistances [100 micro-ohm] of lowest and highest resistance cells (or block of cells), unsigned, 0 to 25.5 milliohm
  21. AC line voltage [Vrms], unsigned, 0 to 65.5 kV
  22. AC line current, signed, positive into vehicle; 0 to 127 A; high byte: [Arms], low byte: [1/256 Arms]
  23. Maximum AC line current acceptable or available [A], unsigned, 0 to 255 A. Always shown, even when idle
  24. AC line real power [W], signed, positive into vehicle, 0 to 32.7 kW
  25. Total energy in or out of charger, since manufacture. Unsigned, overflows back to 0 [WH]


  • If a value is not available, set to an invalid number:
    • 80h for 1-byte, signed variables
    • FFh for 1-byte, unsigned variables
    • 8000h for 2-byte, signed variables
    • FFFFh for 2-byte, unsigned variables
back to topPID support
  • Request is at ID 07E3h
    • Data bytes are: 02h, 21h, pid, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, where pid is the PID code (see table below)
  • Response is at ID 07EBh
    • Data Bytes are: no of bytes following with actual data, 61h, pid, up to 5 data bytes
  • Length is 8 data bytes
ID Function Len Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
F1h State 6 State (1) DOD (2) Repor.SOC (3) Capacity (17) 0
F2h Pack data 7 Voltage (4) Current (5) CCL (6) DCL (7)
F3h Modules state 6 No of mods (8) No of loads (9) Bad mod # (10) Bad mod cnt (11) 0
F4h Mod. vtg range 7 Min vtg (12) Min vtg no (13) Avg vtg (12) Max vtg (12) Max vtg no (13)
F5h Mod temp range 7 Min tmp (14) Min tmp no (13) Avg tmp (14) Max tmp (14) Max tmp no (13)
F6h Mod. number 3 number (15) 0 0 0 0
F7h Mod. details 5 vtg (12) temper. (14) status (16) 0 0
  1. State of system:
    1. 0 Fault
    2. 3 Ready - charge sustain
    3. 4 Ready - charge deplete
    4. 9 Plugged - off
    5. 10 Plugged - charging
    6. 15 Ready & Plugged in
  2. Depth Of Discharge [%] (0 = full)
  3. SOC reported to vehicle [%]
  4. Total pack voltage, 2 bytes [V] (0100h = 256 V)
  5. Pack current [A], signed. (0 = 0 A; 10h = 16 A; F0 = -16A)
  6. Charge Current Limit [A]: maximum acceptable current
  7. Discharge Current Limit [A]: maximum current available
  8. Number of modules reporting
  9. Number of modules whose balancing load is on (0 to 120)
  10. Number of last module that failed reporting (1 to 120)
  11. Count of how many times a module failed reporting (up to 255)
  12. Module voltage [10 mV + 2.5V] (0 = 2.5 V; 1 = 2.51 V, etc., FFh = 5.05 V)
  13. Number of the module with that reading (1 to 120)
  14. Module temperature [°C] (0 = 0°C, 1 = 1°C, FFh = -1°C)
  15. Number of the module whose data are being shown while scanning all the modules
  16. Module status. Bit 0: 1 = load is on; bit 1: 1 = module is bad
  17. Pack capacity [Ah]

© 2008~2025 Davide Andrea. All rights reserved, except where noted by CC mark. Page published on Nov 08 2009. Graphic design by morninglori

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