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White Paper - Notation for Series / parallel arrangement of battery cells

Interactive utility to explore and get notation for any arrangement

This interactive utility allows you to arrange cells in a battery, displays the standard notation for that arrangement, demontrsates how the specifications are affected by the arrangement, lists pros and cons, and shows graphically what that arrangement looks like.

In a battery with cells both in series and in parallel, connecting the cells first in series or first in parallel does matter: it affects performance (in case of weak cells) and cost (BMS complexity).

The order of 'S' and 'P' in the notation for the arrangement does matter: it indicates whether cells are first connected in series or in parallel. 3P4S means that 3 cells are connected directly in parallel first; while 4S3P means that 3 strings are connected in parallel last.

Arrangement Series Parallel

Description Notation
Note that the '' comes first.
Cell specifications
Cell voltage
Cell capacity Ah
Cell Short Discharge Time
Battery characteristics
Item Equation Value Units
Total voltage V-cell x N-series V
Total capacity Cap-cell x N-par Ah
Total energy E-cell x N-cells Wh
Short Discharge Time SDT-cell s
Total DC resistance R-cell x N-ses / N-par
Total max cont. current I-cell x N-par A
Total max cont. power P-cell x N-cells W
BMS taps required -
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Standard notation of Series / parallel arrangement of battery cells.

Davide Andrea, Elithion, 4/21/17

© 2008~2025 Davide Andrea. All rights reserved, except where noted by CC mark. Page published on Mar 30 2020. Graphic design by morninglori